Thursday, January 17, 2019

Technology Tools

This course is set up in a way quite unlike my other classes. I usually do not like when professors deviate from using Canvas, but this course is effectively organized and laid out in a way that is easy enough to navigate. By making the switch over fairly easy, I do not mind the change from the standard setup for a course. The more I dive into this class's contents, the more I discover new and interesting tools that I have noticed before but never spent the time to learn how to use.

(Laptop with Tablet and Smart Phone 
by Emma Drews: GoodFreePhotos)  

I can already tell that a majority of the links in the assignment posts are useful and full of intriguing information about topics that make me think. I have thought about making a website or blog before, but now I will have the steps to actually implement and create my own. This is exciting for me because I do not normally have extra time to dedicate towards learning fun skills like these. I think learning how to better edit photos will be an enjoyable way to put together part of an assignment. By using all of these technology tools, I hope to better develop my blogging skills by the end of the semester.

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