Thursday, January 17, 2019


The assignments for this class are much different from the assignments I have in my other classes. First off, I have never had to make anything like a blog before for a class in college. This is an exciting opportunity to take back the skill of creative writing that I left so long ago in my high school years. I often got discouraged when writing papers or assignments for a grade because the focus was quite often based on a rigid rubric about some topic that I had no great interest. This approach often made me write up ideas that were completely forced just to get the credit for the assignment. My words had no meaning or passion behind them. They were simply what I knew would get me the best grade for the paper.

(Pen Writing on Paper: PxHere)

This class seems to have additional flexibility compared to most of the writing courses I have been in before now. In result, this is a nice break from my strict engineering courses where there is often only one correct answer. I am most intrigued by the storytelling assignments of this course because I have not had much reason to exercise my storytelling skill in years. I would like to develop this skill to make stories that compel readers to want to keep reading. I have often thought that a great story is one where the reader keeps wanting to know what happens next.

I am looking forward to the extra credit assignments as they can help me get ahead if I have enough time. Being able to finish this course early is a really great option since I have four other courses to take care of this semester, and I know finishing early will help me focus on them for finals week. The tech tips, Wikipedia trails, and H.E.A.R.T. are all extra credit assignments that intrigue me, and I cannot wait to look into these assignments more to see what I can learn. Extra credit is refreshing because I rarely have any courses that provide extra credit opportunities at this point in my academic career.

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