Saturday, January 26, 2019

Reading Notes: Overview of Mythology

In the reading for Crash Course Myth: Overview of Mythology, there were three videos listed to watch to get the introduction to their approach to mythology and theories they do or do not ascribe to for the videos. The video I liked best from this list was The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth. I have heard stories of many heroes growing up and the different variations of each of their tales. This video helped break down the different segments of telling a hero's journey. The main parts are when a hero separates himself from the world, trials and victories, and a return to their home. While seeing this all explained, I thought of the heroes I had grown up learning about and saw how their stories somewhat followed this progression. I am a major Avengers fan with an emphasis on Captain America, so I am no stranger to watching how their stories play out while watching them struggle to defeat the villains.

In America, I feel that we have a lack of mainstream female heroes though, so when the video brought up a tale of seven sisters, I was intrigued. Their story took a path off the traditional path of super heroes, and they were wanting to overcome hunger, pain, and fear. So this was more a personal journey to become better versions of themselves which resulted in them becoming cosmic beings for succeeding. I appreciated how the story was told in the third version. This was more of an approach of a retelling to get the ideas of the story across to the viewer. The storyteller clearly sectioned the  story into three separate chunks to show how the trend of call to action, road of trials, and returning home were relevant to this story.


The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth by Crash Course World Mythology

Image Information: Hero, Wikimedia Commons

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