Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Topic Brainstorm

The topics I am interested in are Filipino Tales, Japanese Fairy Tales, creation stories, and dragons for the topic of my project.

Filipino Tales: This topic interests me the most because I am half Filipina. Since I was born and raised in America, the most exposure I have gotten to my culture is whenever my dad makes us Filipino dishes. I feel that reading these stories will expand my knowledge about my culture past just the food aspect. Just as I have grown up learning stories about princesses and heroes here, I am excited to learn about what children in the Philippines may learn as they grow up there. I hope this opportunity will teach me more about part of my identity that I never had the chance to know.

Creation Stories: I have considered before, as most people do, what came before us. I think pondering the idea of creation and how we all came to be is a meaningful exercise. Was there a greater being that simply wanted more life to help fill the meaningless amount of space? Or were we just a mere accident that happened in the massive expanse of nothingness? I am intrigued to see the approaches that different places from around the world have taken to try to answer these questions for themselves. I believe how people decide to answer these questions tells a lot about them and their mindset towards life.

Japanese Fairy Tales: Since I was young, I have had a fascination with Japanese culture. Their culture seemed so different from mine in America while growing up, and their stories often captured my attention. My family realized how much I enjoyed Japanese culture that they even planned a special visit to Japan for the whole family. They had great food, clean cities, and so much culture embedded in the makeup of their towns, clothes, and people. The incorporation of good and evil, heroes and villains, and princes and princesses often capture the whimsical side of my mind and keep me entertained.

Dragons: As numerous others have over the past few years, I have developed an interest in Game of Thrones. The most captivating part of this series for me is when the dragons are involved. I have enjoyed seeing the dragons' stories play out more than any of the character arcs in the series. These creatures are so pulling on my attention because of how majestic and ethereal they are compared to the boring repeats of every day life. We do not have a chance to witness dragons in real life, and this sparks imagination in me that pulls me deep into their story.

Image Information: Earth Dragon by jaci XIII at flickr.

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