Sunday, January 27, 2019

Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part B

To continue the unit about Adam and Eve, I read the story The Darkness from The Forgotten Books of Eden edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. This story stood out to me from the others because of how Adam dealt with the new things in life outside of the Garden of Eden. Adam had been coddled while in the garden, so each new thing was basically a fright to him. The mere aspect of not being able to see was enough to essentially give him a heart attack. Before this part of the story, the reason he died was because it was night time, and for the first time in his life, he had to experience darkness. This was enough to fully give him enough of a shock that he just died and left Eve in the Cave of Treasures to deal with the blindness caused by darkness and his death alone. Luckily for Adam, God looked down and saw his death. Upon seeing this, God brought Adam back to life and tried to explain the reasoning for the darkness. In God's mind, the darkness was there to give life a chance to take a rest from the toils of each day. I appreciate how God explains why the darkness is not necessarily an inherently evil thing. The darkness is only temporary, and the light will come again. The light is for Adam's children to do their work, and through the light and dark there is a balance. Unfortunately, Adam does not deal with change very well, and in this version of events, he pretty much dies when something new happens that he does not like.

I like how God explains what he can for why he made the choices he did. I think this adds valuable dimension to the character and does not try to make God an unfeeling and without reasoning type of god. This shows the development and attempt at doing justice in a way that God deems as fair. This shows that God has not abandoned them, and he truly cares for them in His own way. God does try to stay with them and let them know they are not alone.


 The Darkness from The Forgotten Books of Eden edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. 

Image Information: Darkness, Pixabay

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