Saturday, February 2, 2019

Topic Research: Princesses and Goddesses of the Philippines

While doing more research into Filipino Fairy Tales, I found myself drawn to women with titles. The main titles I found were women that were goddesses or princesses. Unfortunately, most of these stories about princesses were about how a prince or some male could win them over by doing some task. I want the females in my stories to have a choice in their outcome. I want them to have their own motivations and be strong characters that are not just told what to do. I do not want them to essentially just be a prize for a male to win.

The first story like this came from a tale called Why the Ocean is Salty from the Un-Textbook. This story was about the goddess of the dark who wanted a snow white mansion in her part of Heaven. A key feature of this topic for me would be how she uses her influence to get what she wants. I would like to portray her as someone who is in charge of her fate and knows how to accomplish her goals. In this same story, the Ocean is her own sentient being that did not want her slumber disturbed. This takes a twist on the  story, and the ocean halts the work of millions of workers constructing this mansion by destroying them all with waves. I think the Ocean would be an interesting character that has all the might of well, the ocean, behind her.

Another story I found while researching was about a princess and Juan. Juan has to complete some nearly impossible tasks to have a chance with the princess. Instead of making this a story where he wins her from her father, I would want to make this a story where the princess loves Juan, but the father is trying to keep them apart. This way, the princess has motivation and a say in what she wants in her life. This story could nicely break up into three episodes to tell the tale of each task Juan has to complete to be with the princess. The final story is about a prince who saves a princess from a dragon. In this story, the princess could play a vital role in her escape. Instead, of just being freed because of the prince, she could already have a plan in place. This way, whenever she finally has the help of someone else, she is able to escape.

Links to other versions of Juan and the princess in Filipino Popular Tales: Princess's Sacrifice and Juan and the Impossible Tasks

Image Information: Ocean wave, Pexels

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