Saturday, February 2, 2019

Tech Tip: Canvas Mobile App

I have been using the mobile app for awhile now. The app makes checking some assignments and grades really easy. I use this app a lot whenever I do not want to pull out my laptop. This way I can check Canvas Announcements, discussions, and messages from my professors. I will say this app makes checking certain details like due dates convenient for me. There has been a number of times that I thought I forgot to do a homework before class, but I just pulled out my phone and saw that I still had a few more days to complete the assignment. I have also been able to use my phone app for quizzes in class. This is useful for whenever my laptop dies on me in class, so this is really nice to have as a backup plan when things do go wrong. There is really no reason to discontinue using the Canvas app, so I will definitely be using the app in the future.

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